AHA Spiritual Formation

AHA Spiritual Formation Facilitates Spiritual Homeostasis Through Involuntary Interaction with the Transcendent Self

Spirituality and seeking after the transcendent has been a quintessentially human quest for millennia.

Particularly in the scientific era where religion and spirituality are often at odds, being questioned and increasingly abandoned, there is still an interest and desire for many for a more authentic experience of self, especially where the connection is between the individual and Something or Someone greater.

Just as the human brain is able to facilitate cognitive homeostasis through involuntary β€˜aha moments’, the human spirit is able to facilitate spiritual homeostasis by engaging in an involuntary conscious connection with the transcendent that is consistent with each person’s worldview and belief system taking each person to a place of tranquility and spiritual well being. When that is disturbed, either through ways of thinking that are stress producing or is triggered through some life experience, there is a way to restore the sense of well being through natural processes.

Rather than simply attempting to will or work toward spiritual growth, hoping the brain might present us with a β€œspiritual aha moment” or we grow through some cognitive, mystical or psychoactive chemical means we can experience a deeper and more authentic spiritual connection through AHA Spiritual Homeostasis.

  • AHA Somatic Therapy

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  • AHA Problem Solving

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  • AHA Spiritual Formation

    AHA's spiritual formation session facilitates transcendent union with God.

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Listen to Episode Nineteen of The Autonomic Healing Podcast

Ruth and Tom dive into what Autonomic Healing Spiritual Formation is, why it matters and how it brings life, adventure, and freedom as we discover our humanity.